Such a great distance therapy I experienced with dear Fatih…
After experiencing Bioenergy healing with Fatih Turan, I felt much more relaxed and centered and the pain in my neck seemed to reduce also…
I recently took 8 healing sessions with Fatih. I do not have any health issues or aches and pains so I wasn’t sure what changes I would see…
I turned to Fatih Turan during a very unsettling time of my life. As a fellow wellness practitioner it is, at times, very difficult to maintain ones’ own health as it is often put aside in order to assist others with their own issues…
I received distance therapy in four consecutive days. I asked for some treatment of my kidneys and inflamed intestines…
After many heats of pain and unsuccessful so called conventional treatments for my back and arm pain I decided that I would need to look for alternative treatment for my conditions…
Home When I met Fatih, I was in a extremely poor situation as I was experiencing depression and fears with a very disturbing and life-limiting nausea. However, the opposite happened after I volunteered aAt first it was hard to believe that a person whom I had only known a few minutes could make a difference
When Fatih first invited me to an open group bioenergy healing session, I felt nervous and suspicious as I did not have any reference to this and didn’t believe in it…
Fatih Turan Method of Medical Intuition® A medical intuitive is an alternative medicine practitioner who uses information gained through counseling or other perceptions to identify the underlying root causes of illness. Some medical intuitives believe that a proper diagnosis can be made by reading the body’s energy or through psychic revelation. Medical intuitives are sometimes
Fatih Turan Method of Medical Intuition® Read More »